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Welcome to the World of Publishing

When originally presented with data, for what I decided to interpret as coming from a publishing house, it was a disaster to try and make sense of.


I was looking at an info dump of numbers, which unless you are numerically inclined, will not easily translate. Take a look for yourself.

 I was looking at lists of numbers and percentages that were impossible for me to quickly interpret. Me, my brain, and I, have never been fans of numbers. Mathematics was never my favorite subject in school, and since I was dealing with the same numbers, in an attempt to make sense of them in a new graph, it was difficult.


But as soon as I tried working with these numbers under a topic that made sense in my head—the book industry—I was able to create a new graph.


And Author Account Trends was envisioned.


For this graph, I found that it was easier to translate the revenue and account statistics in two relatable, but separate graphs. I gave the “Tiers” new and relatable names, such as Powerhouses, Bestsellers, Top Reads, Seasoned, and Novices. These are labeled directly below the graphs, for easy access to translate the color coding information. Each of these accounts was assigned a color that corresponds on each graph, so you can quickly relate the information from the accounts to how much revenue they are bringing in. The pie charts relay information surrounding the accounts in percentages of the whole. Below the charts is the descriptor that displays what the whole equates to, i.e. “Total Accounts: 883.”


I selected bright, poppy colors that bounce off the page, in order to grab the viewers’ attention to the statistics that are being presented. These brighter tones were also utilized to draw the viewers’ eyes to the information without getting overwhelmed by a mass influx of black text on a white background. The fonts I kept simple in order to not confuse the viewer with what could be conveyed as distracting information.

The fonts and color selections were also influenced by Hachette Book Group’s webpage, after I made the call to read these stats as publishing information.

Hachette’s page has clean, crisp and similar related fonts across the entire site, and the color scheme is more on the bright side, then some of their competitors’ pages.


To seal the deal that this was a graph relating publishing statistics, I inserted two similar but different book graphics on opposite corners.


Happy reading!


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